EManuscript - Manuscript Submission Platform
EManuscript Technologies assists offline journals transforming them into world class online journals. We are committed to meeting the needs of the academic and professional communities at the same time working to define and meet the information needs of journal publishing industry.


  • Journal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences

    Journal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences (Abbreviated as J Ayu Med Sci) [e-ISSN: 2456-4990] is a Peer Reviewed Quarterly Journal for Rapid publication of original and scientific information on Ay­­urveda and all Traditional & complementary therapies practiced worldwide. Manuscripts providing experimental evidences for the science behind Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani and Folk medicine are the top priorities of the journal. Original research articles on ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, standardisation, quality control, in vitro in vivo screening, pharmacological studies, toxicological studies and clinical trials of drugs from all the aforesaid traditional medical sciences will be considered for publication. Other than original articles, information in the form of editorial, case report, short communication, review article, letter to editor etc will be made online rapidly on acceptance by peer review method. The results of the research must be obtained employing internationally acceptable experimental protocols supported by appropriate statistical analysis.

  • Pharmacognosy Research

    Pharmacognosy Research [ISSN: Print -0976-4836, Online - 0974-8490] [http://www.phcogres.com], is a Quarterly publication of Phcog.Net. It provides peer-reviewed original research articles from the field of Natural Products. The journal serves an international audience of scientists and researchers in a variety of research and academia by quickly disseminating research findings related to Medicinal Plants and Natural Products.

  • Pharmacognosy Reviews

    Pharmacognosy Reviews (Phcog Rev.) [http://www.phcogrev.com], a publication of Phcog.Net, Bangalore, INDIA. It is published Semi-annual, serves the need of different scientists and others involved in medicinal plant research and development. Each issue covers different reviews on related topics of natural product drug discovery, Biotechnology, Marine Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants. 

  • Pharmacognosy Communications

    Pharmacognosy Communications [ISSN : 2249-0159 (Print) ; 2249-0167 (Online)] is a  recent addition of Phcog.Net published by EManuscript Services. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to publish high quality original research articles, methods, techniques and evaluation reports, critical reviews, short communications, commentaries and editorials of all aspects of medicinal plant research.

  • Indian Journal of Natural Products

    Indian Journal of Natural Products Indian Journal of Natural Products (IJNP) is primarily a natural product-oriented Journal, which publishes research findings, innovative studies and reviews on efficacy, safety, quality and mechanisms of action of medicinal and aromatic plants, phytopharmaceuticals, purified fractions, and their lead compounds. This includes clinical and preclinical studies of properly standardized herbal medicinal products, herbal preparations, and isolated compounds, which have reproducible bioactivity.